Why is Botox dangerous?

Why is Botox dangerous?

Why is Botox dangerous?

This post is for you, girls 🥂

I feel like I must share this information with you because I’ve noticed that some girls don’t know the truth about Botox.

Sooo… what is Botox? Or the second name is botulinum toxin.

Botox is a drug based on an organic poison. It is a neurotoxin produced by bacteria. It is considered the strongest poison known to science of all organic toxins.

When botulinum toxin enters the digestive system of the body, it causes damage to the body, which is called botulism.

This drug was discovered in the 18th century, when people were struck by an unknown disease at that time, which caused paralysis and seizures and some people even died from it.

The doctors found that the cause of the disease was the poison that was in the expired wurst. Botulism is a term derived from the Latin word botulus, which means “wurst” or “sausage”. The poison itself became known as botulinum toxin, that is, “wurst poison”.

Then the doctors began to investigate this poison and realized that in some dosages the poison can be used for medical purposes: to relieve seizures in patients.

By the way, just imagine: 1g of the substance in crystallized form can kill 1 million people.

What happens when a person get Botox injections to get rid of a wrinkle, for example, on the forehead.

The muscles of the forehead are paralyzed and stop working. 

But in this case, the muscles of other parts of the face should begin to perform their work, and for those muscles this is an extra load, as a result of which these muscles wear out faster. 

A bit later there are wrinkles appear in that area too. And the person goes back to the cosmetologist to inject Botox in those spots. The face becomes inanimate.

What should you do if you wanna get rid of wrinkles without injections:

First, you need to eliminate the causes of wrinkles.

Getting Botox is like covering up a problem with a Band-Aid, but the problem is not going anywhere. It is necessary to treat, starting with the removal of the cause, not by covering the undesirable result with a patch.

That is, a person already has problems inside because of nutrition, clamped neck muscles, uneven posture, spasmodic facial muscles, tight chest and round back and when the person throws poison on top of all this - it only makes the situation worse.

It causes:

  • rapid aging
  • facial asymmetry
  • edema
  • hernia of the eyelids
  • inanimate facial expressions 
  • etc

Injecting Botox, thinking that it makes your body and face feel better, is the same as smoking and thinking that it is good for your health.

I've decided to run this website to help you to understand what to do in order to stay young, beautiful and healthy without any injections.

Stay tuned, girls xx


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